screw perspective - or the curse of the roller coaster ride.
one day, things are looking great from above. networking is happening. people are giving you work. jobs are available. your poop doesn't stink.
and then the next day, you're plummeting down some random hill, bleary-eyed - unable to see a foot in front of you. because your unemployment benefits have, news-to-you, run out. and the government has not planned to extend them again.
and you really count on that weekly check. because it pays for things like food. your car. and utilities.
it got you through the last year.
and then, it's gone.
and the "funny" part about it is that to make the money it was paying, you would have to work a 40-hour a week, low-paying hourly job.
which means you would have zero time for interviewing for salaried jobs in your field. the field in which you possess more than 8 years of experience. and a damn-good degree from one of the most well-respected universities to get that sort of degree from.
and a resume that boasts awards. and promotions. and references that don't suck.
but still, when you apply for jobs and land interviews, you hear that you're too creative. that you will just get bored and leave. that they can't take that sort of chance.
even if you tell them that yes you will stay. you have tons of other creative outlets.
and for the first time, your creativity starts to feel like a curse. because it's keeping you from a paycheck.
see, perspective gets suddenly turned upside when it's hard to tell who's steering the ship.