today, i adopted a dog! i'm excited enough about it to punctuate the last sentence with an exclamation point. i hate exclamation points! (whoa, there's two!)...three, i mean.
i don't have a photo to post because i get him tuesday. i'm running brew to brew tomorrow and didn't want his first full day home to be in a kennel while i'm gone.
he's a chihuahua terrier mix. 6-months-old. brindle. 9 pounds. already house-trained. sweet. awesome. boy.
his current name is kolby. i'm renaming him.
full name: edgar
nickname: eddie
edgar after edgar allen poe, of course. (the first poet i read voraciously.)
(this is the last post i will ever write containing four exclamation points.)
i don't have a photo to post because i get him tuesday. i'm running brew to brew tomorrow and didn't want his first full day home to be in a kennel while i'm gone.
he's a chihuahua terrier mix. 6-months-old. brindle. 9 pounds. already house-trained. sweet. awesome. boy.
his current name is kolby. i'm renaming him.
full name: edgar
nickname: eddie
edgar after edgar allen poe, of course. (the first poet i read voraciously.)
(this is the last post i will ever write containing four exclamation points.)
At 6:14 PM,
Unknown said…
congrats, jessi! dogs are awesome and i apologize for the above exclamation point.
At 6:47 PM,
Spyder said…
Yea!!!!!! So happy for you! Can't wait to see photos.
At 6:58 PM,
Spyder said…
Found him!
Thought you might want this. He's very cute. I love our 2 big dogs.
At 7:35 PM,
Pensive Girl said…
thanks whit :)
and spyder, nice work. that is him.
i actually could have done that myself, i suppose. but he just looks so much more cute in person :)
At 7:43 PM,
Kat said…
ADORABLE (no exclams, just all caps) =-)
At 7:46 AM,
noapostrophe said…
congrats! awww, pets are so wonderful! that's so exciting!
At 8:11 AM,
thedirtyknitter said…
new pups deserve exclamation points :)
At 1:52 PM,
Faith said…
Our Izzy is a chihuahua/terrier mix. (New pics on the ol' blog today...) She's a sweet soul. You're gonna love having him around!
Can't wait to see pics of the actual Eddie! Yaaaay for puppies...
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