Brew to Brew was incredible. Our team's total time for 44 miles averaged under 8 minutes each mile. And as if that wasn't cool enough for one day, I set a personal best by completing my first leg of 5.3 miles in 40 minutes, 40 seconds, which means I avereaged 7.62 minute miles. And my second leg of hell, a 4-mile route tagged as "hard" was good, too. But it was possibly the most horrible experience my body has ever been through. Four miles of steep hills with little to no downhill and minimal flat parts. Despite the mountains to climb I ran that leg in 32 minutes 20 seconds. And to top it all off Lawrence welcomed us with food, beer and fun. Oh and because I was team captain, I took home free pair of Nike Free shoes. Awesome.
At 9:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good times. We kicked butt. My legs are aching this morning. Mark called to see how I was feeling...I guess he was up sick all night.
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