i need to tell you something.
last weekend, i turned 31.
after a lovely, amazing, perfect dinner at justus drugstore, we were rear-ended by a guy driving a new mercedes. he did not have insurance.
this wasn't just a fender-bender, mind you. we were stopped and i don't think i heard him try to break.
my bumper is decimated.
and my back hatch door is dented.
i have whiplash.
so i went to the doctor for the whiplash. got an x-ray.
it showed arthritic changes in my back.
i just turned
not, 45.
or even 41.
okay, so there's that.
on my actual birthday, the day after the wreck, i stayed in bed a long time because of the pain and opened gifts from beneath my down comforter.
i got a garmin forerunner.
and for a moment, i forgot how much pain i was and squealed like a kid on christmas.
and then i went running. (did you really think i would wait a day to try out the garmin?)
and it actually made the whiplash feel better. not perfectly better, but better.
maybe the moral here is the same thing i got tattooed on my arm just under two years ago.
"in darkness, a light shines."
and perhaps until i really learn to take hold of this promise, i will continue to go through things that are supposed to teach me.
but, to be honest, i'm pretty ready to stop learning this lesson for awhile.
after a lovely, amazing, perfect dinner at justus drugstore, we were rear-ended by a guy driving a new mercedes. he did not have insurance.
this wasn't just a fender-bender, mind you. we were stopped and i don't think i heard him try to break.
my bumper is decimated.
and my back hatch door is dented.
i have whiplash.
so i went to the doctor for the whiplash. got an x-ray.
it showed arthritic changes in my back.
i just turned
not, 45.
or even 41.
okay, so there's that.
on my actual birthday, the day after the wreck, i stayed in bed a long time because of the pain and opened gifts from beneath my down comforter.
i got a garmin forerunner.
and for a moment, i forgot how much pain i was and squealed like a kid on christmas.
and then i went running. (did you really think i would wait a day to try out the garmin?)
and it actually made the whiplash feel better. not perfectly better, but better.
maybe the moral here is the same thing i got tattooed on my arm just under two years ago.
"in darkness, a light shines."
and perhaps until i really learn to take hold of this promise, i will continue to go through things that are supposed to teach me.
but, to be honest, i'm pretty ready to stop learning this lesson for awhile.
At 12:27 PM,
Ninjagaiden78 said…
I am glad you are okay.
At 6:23 PM,
The Websters said…
1. Sorry about your wreck.
2. What did you get for dinner? We went there for Travis's birthday...the goose appetizer was SOOOOOO good. I had to switch him entrees b/c I loved his fried rabbit so much!
At 10:15 PM,
Pensive Girl said…
B had the fried rabbit.
I had the bass.
We also had ceviche.
And the fried goat cheese salad.
it's our favorite place. ever.
we got engaged there.
it's our birthday, anniversary, engagement, amazing place :)
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