I read this. And I am trying to grasp what would fuel someone to do that to a child. And then I thought about how much someone would have to be hurting to inflict that much hurt on someone else. And it made me deeply sad. That's all.
since there's no one else around, we let our hair grow long and forget all we used to know. then our skin gets thicker from living out in the snow.
At 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
...and it is a commonly held belief that people aren't inherently sinful...
when I read stuff like that I just long for heaven. I'm with you.
At 4:07 PM,
Faith said…
I can't even read any more stories in the paper about it after just hearing about it yesterday. When I saw that she wasn't responding to her mother's questions about what happened to her face, it made me feel...I don't know exactly how to put it. I just cannot fathom what that child had to go through. And I can't think about it any more.
At 9:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
i believe people aren't inherently anything. i'm sure mr. turner had a wonderful childhood. i'm sure he's a "sinner" and it has something to do with his "soul" that he is an "evil" person. or maybe he's mentally retarded and was a crack baby and is insane. maybe his mom was a retarded prostitute, and he has been in and out of homes all his life. maybe he used to live in an institution, and our government wasn't able to keep him there, as those places are underfunded and over-crowded. or yes, maybe he is just inherently bad and he had every privlidge of love and care when he was growing up, but somewhere along the line, his inherent badness just snapped inside him and he went sour.
At 1:09 PM,
noapostrophe said…
There have been a few cases of similar things around the chicago area lately. One man raped and beat his 7-year-old daughter before drowning her in the toilet, because he thought she was the devil incarnate. People like that are really clinically insane, and people like the guy you posted about are seriously messed up. I'm one of the naive ones who thinks people are inherently good. Sometimes our wiring just gets all messed up and we do horrible awful things for indescribable reasons. I'm with anonymous, too. People with mental problems are very often products of very messed up environments. And still, I just can't wrap my brain around any of it.
At 1:18 PM,
Pensive Girl said…
whether we are inherently sinful or not, there is still something that happens trigger people to start acting out. and likewise, there is something that enables a lot of us to never go to the depths of evil.
At 1:18 PM,
Pensive Girl said…
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