currently unemployed, again.
i wade now into the familiar waters of unemployment. my contract with sprint ended. who wants a piece of me now?
check out my portfolio here.
check out my portfolio here.
since there's no one else around, we let our hair grow long and forget all we used to know. then our skin gets thicker from living out in the snow.
At 3:45 AM,
Tony said…
Hey smart lady. My blog is at your disposal . . . I'm linking this post but if you want to send me 400x400px advertising your work or another page or whatever . . . Lemme know.
At 7:58 AM,
Pensive Girl said…
thanks, tony. i will do that. let me get it together and send it to you in a few days...
you rock.
At 5:57 AM,
Unknown said…
Have you ever considered being a food critic/writer during your off time? You certainly have the writing skills and you seem to have an interest in food. Should be fun; might be profitable.
KC Star has blogs. Maybe you can make a deal with them.
OH…. Thank you for not changing your style after being ambushed by Ms Hirsch. It’s what makes PG special.
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