white lies.
and then, this light bulb went off. shining illuminating truth straight out of their jaws and into my mind. right then, at 25, i realized that my mom told me the thing about the leaves so that i wouldn't eat them. i was 3 or 4 and she instilled the fear of god. right then and there. little did she know, i'd been afraid of strawberries ever since.
i called my sister.
"hey, did mom tell you strawberry leaves are poisonous."
- "yeah, they are, right?"
and then, i broke the news.
"no! mom was LYING to us. they aren't poisonous at all. in fact, if you wanted to, you could eat an entire strawberry - leaves and all."
and then, we started to wonder what else we'd falsy believed for most of our lives.
i have a feeling we may never know.