This is my quilt. It is old and worn and I sleep with it every night because, I've always slept with some sort of security blanket. (Yes, I am almost 26-years-old, but who's counting?) Gus likes to chew on the strands of the quilt that are loose and I was afraid that maybe, he was eating the quilt. But, until last night, I had no proof. My self-inflicted innocense was shattered when I found a pile of undigested quilt strands that Gus had thrown up in the backyard. I felt sick and selfish and immediately decided that it was finally time to part with my old friend. I cuddled with it one last time, snapped a photo and walked it outside to the large yardwaste trashcan on the driveway. I knew if I threw it there, I would be less likely to try to retrieve it in the middle of the night when I wasn't feeling as secure as normal. And I'm happy to report that this morning, the trashcan is where the quilt remains.
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