About Me
- Name: Pensive Girl
- Location: United States
i'm a copywriter. it's one word, not two. and it means i write ads. i like words, ideas, bacon, butter and running. i also like god and my family and my dog. sometimes i'm happy, sometimes i'm sad. but always, i'm brave. i used to think i wasn't. i was wrong.
At 1:40 PM,
PlazaJen said…
I drove the Wo thru McD's last night & noticed the sign (metal, nice, quite formal) forbidding people from parking there when returning their... DVD's. Sigh. (DVD's what? What do they own? Sunday's supply of booze?)
At 2:37 PM,
Donna. W said…
It drives me NUTS when people misuse apostrophes!
At 5:52 PM,
ksrok said…
I am amazed at how many people misuse apostrophe's!!
At 2:31 PM,
Sarah St. said…
I'm glad this disgusts so many other people. Maybe there is hope for grammar after all.
At 1:43 PM,
Catherine VandeVelde said…
That drive's me crazy!! Make's me want to poke someones eye's out.
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