turn of events.
so today, i join the masses in the unemployment line.
and it sucks.
and it sucks.
since there's no one else around, we let our hair grow long and forget all we used to know. then our skin gets thicker from living out in the snow.
At 8:13 PM,
FletcherDodge said…
This makes me very sad. Good luck in your job search.
At 8:16 PM,
Donna. W said…
I'm so depressed about the state of things these days. My husband is 64 and still working, but it could happen to him any day.
At 9:15 PM,
kcmeesha said…
sorry to see this happen. good luck
At 10:33 PM,
Shane said…
The suck.
At 2:18 AM,
Tony said…
That sucks. My condolences. You seemed to like your job a lot and were really good at it from what you wrote on your blog.
Best of luck with your new gig.
At 9:35 AM,
noapostrophe said…
(gasp)!! I'm so sorry, hon. Good luck with the job search! Hang in there! I'll be thinking about you!
At 9:52 AM,
May said…
bummer. good luck on the job hunt
At 10:14 AM,
Erin said…
At 12:44 PM,
MoxieMamaKC said…
I'm really sorry to hear that! It's such a crappy time right now, but from what I can tell from your blog, you're completely awesome and awesome always bounces back. Good luck!
At 12:50 PM,
Faith said…
Sista! I'm so sorry!
If you need anything, you know where I'm at.
At 3:26 PM,
katy ryan said…
I'm so sorry to hear this! I know we're only Internet acquaintances, but I'm almost positive we have some mutual friends and I hate to hear this happening to anyone. If I can be of any help, let me know!
At 3:28 PM,
Pensive Girl said…
thanks everyone...
katy, we do have mutual friends. and i think...maybe...that i was leaving the star like a week after your first day in special sections? maybe i'm wrong.
thanks for the kind words. of course, any leads you might have would be helpful. any freelance you're turning down b/c you're too busy? a girl can dream, right?
At 3:46 PM,
Teri said…
Ugh...I just got a new job after being unemployed. It does suck, but the best thing you can do is find something to occupy your time when you aren't on the job hunt. I recommend volunteering at Wayside Waifs. It is impossible not to enjoy it and it will take you mind off of things for awhile.
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