things that are new about me.
1. my hair is pig-tailable. for the first time in five years.
2. i like my freckles.
3. on saturdays, i lounge around for hours before even thinking about working out.
4. when i work out, i don't freak out about it like i used to. i even skip two days in a row.
5. i eat spicy things again. hello, habanero.
6. i go to a small group filled with lovely ladies from my new church.
7. i like church. a lot.
8. i'm not really holding onto any bitterness anymore.
9. i now have a window to look out of at work.
10. i have a new job title, too.
11. i'm enjoying being kolby's mommy.
12. i actually use my costco membership.
13. there is nothing i enjoy more than a night out with good food, good wine and B.
14. i love my niece more than i knew i could.
15. the niece thing is making me think more about being a mommy at some point.
16. don't freak out, i'm just "thinking" about it.
17. i'm talking to my mom more.
18. i have a better relationship with my dad.
19. i sleep through the night most nights. goodbye, insomnia.
20. most days, i'm happy.
21. i understand what love really is.
22. god is real to me.
23. i'm okay with having my own opinions. and no one tells me i can't.
24. i spend money on travel instead of jeans.
25. i am craving another vacation.
26. but i also kind of want a new pair of sevens.
27. i drive a tiny yaris and people perceive me to be all gas-conscious and green.
28. that was the plan.
29. but toyota lied. i get 22 mpg.
30. i plan to trade it in for a civic soon.
2. i like my freckles.
3. on saturdays, i lounge around for hours before even thinking about working out.
4. when i work out, i don't freak out about it like i used to. i even skip two days in a row.
5. i eat spicy things again. hello, habanero.
6. i go to a small group filled with lovely ladies from my new church.
7. i like church. a lot.
8. i'm not really holding onto any bitterness anymore.
9. i now have a window to look out of at work.
10. i have a new job title, too.
11. i'm enjoying being kolby's mommy.
12. i actually use my costco membership.
13. there is nothing i enjoy more than a night out with good food, good wine and B.
14. i love my niece more than i knew i could.
15. the niece thing is making me think more about being a mommy at some point.
16. don't freak out, i'm just "thinking" about it.
17. i'm talking to my mom more.
18. i have a better relationship with my dad.
19. i sleep through the night most nights. goodbye, insomnia.
20. most days, i'm happy.
21. i understand what love really is.
22. god is real to me.
23. i'm okay with having my own opinions. and no one tells me i can't.
24. i spend money on travel instead of jeans.
25. i am craving another vacation.
26. but i also kind of want a new pair of sevens.
27. i drive a tiny yaris and people perceive me to be all gas-conscious and green.
28. that was the plan.
29. but toyota lied. i get 22 mpg.
30. i plan to trade it in for a civic soon.
At 10:17 AM, Shane said…
Looks like you're having a great day. I attribute most of your happiness to #9. Having a window at work is a necessity.
(OK, just kidding...21 and 22 are probably the most important.)
At 7:48 PM, Anonymous said…
I drive a 2007 Yaris and get 34-38 in the city and 44-46 on the Highway.... might want to have the mechanicals checked, that is way too low for a Yaris.
At 10:10 PM, Anonymous said…
Hey DKC, what kind do you have? Four doors? Black?
I'm thinking of trading in my VW for a more efficient car. I'm not so into the flashy sports car anymore. Less flash, more Yaris.
At 11:33 PM, Anonymous said…
Two-door hatchback. Blue. Very roomy. Best part is driving by gas stations and under SUVs.
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