
Thursday, December 07, 2006

no one likes a cheater

this morning, i couldn't remember the 12 days of christmas. i remembered day one through five, but it stopped there. so, i looked it up. and then i wondered if anyone over the age of 15 who is not in any type of church/community choir remembers all of the words.

do you know the 12 days?

google, Internet searching in general or looking in song books is CHEATING.


  1. I definitely cannot remember everything that goes along with each of the 12 days of Christmas. You are not alone! I should know them, but I don't. Looks like a trip to google is in store for me this morning, too!!

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I think I rememebr them all, except the 11th day. Sheep-a-mewing??? Eh, probably not.

    Anyway, it's easiest to remember most of them if you start with 12 and work your way down.
