
Thursday, November 23, 2006

gobble, gobble.

thanksgiving came and went like a balmy breeze in the summer. only it was winter. and 70 degrees. and wonderful. we had dinner at amy and tim's. here is the hectic kitchen pre-meal. go, nick, go!

Tim has great knives. Here he is sharpening one of them before carving the turkey, which happened to be one of the best I've ever tasted.

In between carving and setting the table, Amy and I stopped for a photo opp.

There are Nick and my dad. How many guys does it take to carve one turkey?

I brought the green bean casserolle. Check it out.

That's my mom. Isn't she pretty?

I think Tim and Amy made enough mashed potatoes for everyone to have one pound. There's the heaping bowl. And there was just as much left in the Kitchen-Aid mixer. Yum.

A plate with all the fixin's. Green bean casserole, twiced baked sweet potaotes, turkey, a roll and salad. I just realized, we forgot to eat cranberries. Shoot.

We didn't forget to drink wine, though. Here we are, full, photogenic and pretty much at our best.

1 comment:

  1. Your mom is beautiful, definitely runs in the family! And dinner looks good too. Let me know if you have any interest in FedExing leftovers...
